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This game was dope! Simple and entertaining!

Nice game.

Absolutely loved this game. I'm a huge fan of psx/retro style horror fans. Also love that there's different endings. Great job.

Here's my gameplay of it. It starts at 09:24


Short but creepy, i really like it!


Pelajaran bagi semua orang jangan menyuruh anak jual sayur di malam hari

Mom should have never left the tent..

Final 3 (good ending)

I don’t know how the car horn managed to scare me every time. Very fun game!

Love the PSX Aesthetics of this game! also loved how bro thought he was slick with his attire! lmao keep up the good work!

Final 2

really was funn 

(1 edit)

I really liked the game, I confess that I already expected that from that guy. The game has a cool atmosphere and makes you a little tense.

Gameplay PT-BR

Interesting game. I feel bad for this kiddo trying to get through such spooky events with a mom away for so long. QQ a day of lost profits is ok!!

Final 1

Bit of irresponsible parenting and an overreacting killer! Liked the multiple endings, nice job!

I always like games with more then one ending and this game is no difference the game ran good and gave me a good few scares 8/10 from me cant wait to see what you do next! ~Wang

I like short and sweet indie horror games :) This one was nice, though some darker ambience would have been nice! Still great job! Keep up the great work! 

wonderful gamte!! Waiting for the next one! I get the 3 endings ^^

I did a video on my channel (Spanish). Hope you like it!

Hi there, I am DragonExplosion and I am a Youtuber. If you like my videos, please leave a like and subscribe at my channel.

This was a nice and short horror game that made used of a storyline of a young girl manning a late night vegetable stall in the middle of nowhere to create a horrifying horror game. 

I liked the use of retro PS1 horror graphics and how the game is able to make good use of a combination of darkness, car honks and a creepy stalker to continuously keep up a tense and creepy mood and atmosphere.

I managed to get all 3 endings and felt that it would be cool if there was much more horror events occurring before the stalker appears like having some of the customers pop up all of a sudden from different directions to scare the player.

Thank you for reading my comment and I wish you good luck in your future endeavours.

It's pretty good at making you feel paranoid.

The game was not bad, but it lacked in atmosphere and dread. I think it could use more "events," so that you actually have something to do while waiting. As fun as waiting is... I prefer not to do so. Ambience could use a little more work along with the pacing, or just simply add more things in-between the wait. I must admit that the horn sounds were getting me really good, but cheap jump-scares don't count! Otherwise good work!  

not scary

Very interesting game - scared the potatoes out of me!!

Short, sweet and to the point, I absolutely loved it! Looks good, sounds good, could use a bit more optimization so as to run a bit smoother on lower-end machines(but that's just a minor issue) and honestly I can see a couple more endings for this. All in all, fantastic job! Cheers!

i love how simple this game is! i enjoyed it.

Moms tent video 

Good game

Mom really doesn't like us. 

Never Trust The Stranger #shorts 

great short scary experience. Mom’s sucks for leaving me out there alone though.

2nd game in video.

Playing Random Horror Games Ep 4 | Indie Horror Games


First I though what the heck am I playing. Then the eerie feeling started to play up. Good little game but the scare did it's job. Keep going my friend! 

Made a shorts for Moms Tent, with jumpscare


Man, there was one moment that got me GOOD haha. Loved that there were different ways to end!

Stranger Danger 
| Mom's Tent (All Endings) | Random Scary Games

I really enjoyed this and loved the three different endings and that the third one required a little critical thinking. Also: that tomato lady was so rude, I was so angry at her :D

That guy was way to creepy lol ;D Also got all 3 endings :P

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